Brace Yourselves, August Is Here!
What's Happening
Phoenix was over 100ºF for the entire month of July and over 110º for most of the month. It's a scorcher out here!
I am appearing on a stream today over at Africa Kenyah's Twitch Page where we are going to talk about accessibility and I will try to answer all the questions! Hope to see you there! 3pm Eastern time today! August 1st!
I'm doing some consulting/auditing work and have some irons in the fire so things are going here. I don't have any events until October, but there are some announcements to come soon!
Enough of all that... pitter patter!
The W3C has released an updated Working Draft (WD) of the WCAG 3.0 guidelines and the guidelines for WCAG 2.2 are at the Proposed Recommendation stage as of July 20. It shouldn't be long before it turns into a Recommendation and is published for the public to view and use.
My former colleague at Knowbility, Eric Eggert, wrote a very interesting and thought-provoking blog post about needing WCAG 3 now. Take a look at have a read. I am working on WCAG 3 and I have to say that I agree with Eric. We have WCAG 2.2 coming out, then another 3 years down the road we're going to have WCAG 3 which will be entirely different from 2.x.
and speaking of Knowbility, if you have the ability, please donate to support the accessibility work they do. A great organization who supports and contributes to the accessibility space to help those with accessibility training and education, as well as helping students and parents, along with users with disabilities.
If accessibility matters to you then you should read this blog post from Lainey Feingold about AudioEye's SLAPP suit against Adrian Roselli.
Depending on whether or not I get accepted to the remaining conferences I have CFPs submitted to, these are the remaining appearances I have in 2023:
- MagnoliaJS, Jackson, MS. October 17-18
- ConnectTech, Atlanta, GA. October 24-26
If you're planning to attend MagnoliaJS in Jackson, MS (and I hope you are) I will be wearing my lobster costume during my talk. Be prepared and I will have stickers for everyone until I run out.
CFPs are still out for these:
- Monktoberfest
- Web Directions
The podcast, the stream are the two of mine I will plug. Homer and I are trying to get some more podcast episodes out, as we have two in the can and some appearances to record that have been scheduled soon.
Lobsters! 🦞
I wish I had some thing, but again, next time, next newsletter, I'll have another recipe (or two?).
To the Ionic team for mentioning me in their blog post when they released version 7.2 of the Ionic framework. It was a pleasure contributing to help the accessibility of a great product! I love contributing to open source and I hope to contribute more to the Ionic project again soon!
Twitch streams are M/W/F at 11am MST and 2pm EST! Hope to see you there!
Follow me on Mastodon: or on Twitter @toddlibby or @lobstahtodd and now Bluesky (I'm The Front End Nerdery Podcast that I co-host with my good friend, Homer Gaines, is on your podcast app of choice and on YouTube! Go check out the previous two seasons and the two episodes in season three now!
Enjoy your August and have a great summer, make accessible things, and see you in September!